Life's struggles do produce roses!

There's no doubt in my mind, the struggles of this life are real. However, among those proverbial "thorns" there's always a rose. Sometimes we don't stop long enough to smell its fragrance so we don't realize it's there. That's something I've definitely learned throughout this week.

Sunday night I went to bed having felt betrayed by my rat as he'd gotten nippy with me. Monday morning I woke up to find him cold and sick. After holding him for a bit, I placed him back into his cage only to have to bury him later that day. I was angry. I was hurt. I spent the day wondering why I couldn't have anything in this life that I really wanted.

Today I meet my new skinny pig, something I've wanted for years now but could never have. I'll be adopting "Lyle" from someone who rescued him after he was beaten within an inch of his life. He's healthy and spoiled now and I can't wait to meet him.

To me this shows God is still in control. He knows our heart's desires and while we think we've got them, He's always got something better waiting for us. It's hard to believe sometimes, but this week reminds me of its truth. I'm sure I'm not the only one on this life long journey of learning, but sometimes it just feels that way. Knowing and trusting that I'm not alone, I thank God for this week.
