Letting go of September - Embracing October

October is upon us and with it comes new energy. I truly believe we're in need of healing, love and joy. Everything around us seems to be in chaos and as an empath I'm truly feeling it. It doesn't help that the recent hurricanes in both Texas and Florida people have been fearful and in panic throughout the month of September unfortunately. These feelings weren't just felt in these states either, many people throughout the countr became unable to function, angry, selfish, and simply functioning in just survival mode. Of course, there were also some people who became leaders and took charge. The media didn't help matters. While trying to get people prepared did help with keeping people safe but it also fed into many people's fear. In the end we all pulled together and took care of one another though.

Overcoming last month is still a work in progress. Even if you weren't directly affected by either of the hurricanes, I'm sure you still felt a bit uneasy throughout the month. I know many people underwent a lot of major changes in their lives. I'll admit to even having felt a bit anxious from the middle to the end of the month, but I'm reclaiming my life and moving on towards, what I believe to be, better times. We need to use the month of September as a learning curve, something we can now move on from and grow because of. We must choose not to live an anxious, hate filled, angry life. We cannot simply exist out of fear and desperation. Instead, it's time to create peace in and around ourselves, sharing love with everyone we encounter. Our world needs this change and we can each be that which helps bring it about.

Throughout the month of October I truly believe we will see more people step up to send love and healing to one another. We will see people returning to what matters most: love. We will feel people join together in peace, love, and healing for one another. Whatever it takes, whatever you personally need help doing to bring those things about in your life, I'm here for you. I am claiming a new outlook on life this month and I'm ready to help you claim yours too. 
