Being Empathic

Sometimes I hate my gift, other times I love it!

On the one hand it makes me overly emotional and that can be so tiring for myself, let alone the people who are around me. I know, I get it, but it's who I am. If those around me find me tiring from feeling EVERYthing, take a moment to imagine how I'm feeling because of it...

And yet God has blessed me with spiritual gifts and a ministry that has helped many people and blessed many others. God truly works through my gifts and for that I'm thankful. So, while I may sound like I'd love to change who I am, I wouldn't for the world. Even when I grow tired of it all and don't want to turn on my phone lines or want to complain about how things are, I still have to step back and be thankful. I need to see this as me needing to get out into nature and recharge.

This actually explains why I really hate city living: I can't get out into nature enough. I also don't get enough sleep because of the way these homes are set up. It's something I can't cope with much longer and fortunately I won't have to.

Yet another time in which I'm wrestling with my blessings...
