Life in Philly... crazy at best. Sometimes I shake my head wondering WTH they put in the water. Yes, it's that bad. Some day I'll have to go into details about it. Suffice it to say I can't wait for Easter vacation for some sanity.

I've been thinking about this a lot today, probably because it was raining and pouring earlier. Now, I just looked outside my window and it's bright and sunny. Yet another way in which Philly is so crazy.

God is good, though. He's really been keeping my anxiety in check. Typically, I'd be losing my mind from being home inside all day but right now I'm not. I've been doing a lot of surveys today too and that's not even on my nerves. Now I'm off to help my daughter make dinner. She wants to make some type of dough for something that sounds like calzones to me. If it turns out, I'll be back to post a pic. If not, at least she's tried :)
