New Monday... New Week... New Goals... New Help From God...

I've been up since 7 something this morning again. I don't know why I keep waking up so early but it does help me get more done throughout the day. I just wish that I'd go to bed earlier so I can get the sleep I need. Nonetheless, I got a routine down for the morning and night anymore. I get my "chores" like laundry and dishes done, prayer, journaling, Bible, and even play my favorite game a bit before getting into the heart of my day until about 12:30 then come back and finish up some stuff online around 8 and done by 10 usually. So, why can't I sleep earlier? I guess that's something I need to work on.

I honestly can't believe that I only have 3 days until vacation! Yes, I've been counting for over a month now simply to keep my sanity. I know so many people would go crazy doing this but it's honestly the only thing helping me keep my sanity. Now when I get back I'll have to start another countdown for 41 days until I get my sanity back... I'll share more about that when I can.

Today I need to hang laundry and do some laundry before getting dressed and heading out to take some food to the homeless and the dogs to the park. While they're there I want to finish making my daughter's blanket. It's only missing a very small piece so I'll have that done by Wednesday. I should get the car cleaned out while the dogs are running too since there's some trash that needs thrown away. I also need to finish reading my book by Wednesday and watch a church service online. Tomorrow I need to take my rat, Lilo, to her new home and probably hit the park again because it's going to be so beautiful out and I'm blessed to be able to be outside during the day while it's like this. Wednesday we pick up the ham. Sometime Tuesday or Wednesday we also have to pack the car. Yes, it's going to be a really busy couple of days.
