A Rainy Day in "Da Burg"

"God did not promise sun without rain, light without darkness, or joy without pain."

I have walked through the valley and came out the other side. While I refuse to say that going to Philly for a year was a good thing, it wasn't a bad thing either. I learned a lot about myself, got my health back together and got some wonderful pets out of it. At the same time my daughter grew and matured as well.

Being back in Pittsburgh I'm much more relaxed and don't feel like every day is a battle, though. Instead, I manage to take one day at a time, taking life as it comes.and managing the stress much better. It's like I don't always have to be on guard, on the defensive. This isn't to say I don't miss certain things or certain people, but I now know what I'm to do, where I'm to be, and who God has called me to be.

Sometimes it takes a circle to get us back on track. It's kind of bad to say that it's hard to see or hear God in the midst of everything, but that's the truth. Sometimes we just get so blind to what's going on around us that we forget about what really matters.

"Got only promised us strength for the day when darkness comes our way."

I now know where my strength is and how to "tap" into it. Kind of like a maple tree... Think about this... If God is my tree and I'm His branches, He taps my maple and I overflow for His glory, blessing those around me. I thank Him for bringing me this awareness and setting me back on track so I can serve Him better.
