The Challenge: Being Christ to Those Around You...

With so much going on in the world around us, it's easy to get caught up in it. After all, as God's children, aren't we meant to be involved so that His Holy Spirit can work in this world through us? While this is indeed true, we must remember that we're called to be in the world, but NOT of the world.

27and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. ~ Matthew 20:27-28

What this means is that we must constantly align ourselves with Christ, asking Him to work through us to change or eliminate all negative feelings (e.g. anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc.). We must also ask His forgiveness and guidance in removing anything and everything standing in the way of our becoming more like Him, making sure to ask that it be done "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" in order to cover our entire lifetimes and our multidimensional selves. From there we must also remember to ask Him to change all negativity into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness.

This is a prayer that we should be praying daily, regardless as to whether we're simply living life or we're choosing to step outside of our comfort zone in service to others because, either way, we're God's holy and chosen vessels on this Earth today. Knowing this, I invite you to repeat this mantra (a.k.a. prayer), holding it close to your heart as you step out into the world to do God's will, in God's name, today.

I stand for love, I stand for life, With God to end all strife.
